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Former Students

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Registration & Records Office

(440) 826-2126, registrar@bw.edu, (440) 826-6522 (fax)

Former Baldwin Wallace students seeking readmission after an absence should contact the Registration & Records Office and complete the .

  • Students with senior status (having earned 91 credits or more toward their degree) after an absence of more than three years will be subject to the institutional and departmental curricular requirements in effect at the time of readmission.
  • Students with junior, sophomore or freshman status (having earned 90 credits or less toward their degree) after an absence of more than one year will be subject to the institutional and departmental curricular requirements in effect at the time of readmission. One year is defined as the completion of two consecutive semesters and one summer session.
  • Students who have attended other institutions during the withdrawal period from the University must complete a Transient Student Permit form and request that an official hard copy of their transcript from their other institution(s) be sent to the Registration & Records Office. Additional instructions will be included in the Returning Student Packet that will be mailed upon submitting the .
  • Veterans who leave Baldwin Wallace for active duty may re-enter the University within one year of discharge from the armed services under the academic requirements in effect at the time of their departure.